Yambo restart

The plugin currently support 4 options to start or restart a Yambo calculation:

  • p2y from a NSCF: this will just run a p2y calculation to create the Yambo SAVE database. It is triggered by using as parent calculation an NSCF run with the quantumespresso.pw plugin and by setting:

    inputs[‘settings’] = ParameterData(dict={‘INITIALISE’: True}) )

  • yambo from a p2y: triggered simply by using as parent calculation a p2y run with the yambo plugin (as explained above in the option p2y from a NSCF)

  • p2y + yambo from a NSCF: triggered by using as parent calculation an NSCF calculation run with the quantumespresso.pw plugin

  • yambo from a (previous) yambo: useful for restarts, it is triggered by using as parent calculation a Yambo calculation run with the yambo plugin. If you want also to copy the output databases produced from the previous yambo calculation, you can set:

    inputs[‘settings’] = ParameterData(dict={‘PARENT_DB’: True}) )