Source code for aiida_yambo.utils.common_helpers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""helpers for many purposes"""
from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt, style
import pandas as pd
import copy
import os

    from aiida.orm import Dict, Str, List, load_node, KpointsData, RemoteData, Group
    from aiida.plugins import CalculationFactory, DataFactory
    from aiida.engine import calcfunction 

from aiida_yambo.utils.k_path_utils import * 

[docs]def find_parent(calc): if calc.is_finished and 'workflows' in calc.process_type: parent_calc = calc.outputs.remote_folder.creator else: parent_calc = calc.inputs.parent_folder.creator if not parent_calc: raise Exception('No creator found for parent_folder {}'.format(parent_calc)) return parent_calc
[docs]def find_pw_parent(parent_calc, calc_type = ['scf', 'nscf']): has_found_pw = False tentatives=0 while (not has_found_pw): tentatives+=1 #print('tentatives=',tentatives) #print(parent_calc) if parent_calc.process_type=='aiida.calculations:yambo.yambo' or 'workflows' in parent_calc.process_type: has_found_pw = False parent_calc = find_parent(parent_calc) if parent_calc.process_type=='' and \ find_pw_type(parent_calc) in calc_type: has_found_pw = True break else: parent_calc = find_parent(parent_calc) if tentatives==10000: print('too much tentatives to find the parent') break return parent_calc
[docs]def old_find_parent(calc): try: parent_calc = calc.inputs.parent_folder.get_incoming().all_nodes()[-1] #to load the node from a workchain... except: try: parent_calc = calc.inputs.parent_folder.get_incoming().get_node_by_label('remote_folder') except: parent_calc = calc.called[0] #nscf_workchain...?? return parent_calc
[docs]def old_find_pw_parent(parent_calc, calc_type = ['scf', 'nscf']): has_found_pw = False while (not has_found_pw): if parent_calc.process_type=='aiida.calculations:yambo.yambo' or parent_calc.process_type=='aiida.workflows:yambo.yambo.yambowf': has_found_pw = False parent_calc = find_parent(parent_calc) if parent_calc.process_type=='': for i in range(1,len(parent_calc.called)+1): parent_try = parent_calc.called[-i] if parent_try.process_type=='' and \ find_pw_type(parent_try) in calc_type: parent_calc = parent_try has_found_pw = True break if parent_calc.process_type=='' and \ find_pw_type(parent_calc) in calc_type: has_found_pw = True else: parent_calc = find_parent(parent_calc) elif parent_calc.process_type=='' and \ find_pw_type(parent_calc) in calc_type: has_found_pw = True else: parent_calc = find_parent(parent_calc) return parent_calc
[docs]def get_distance_from_kmesh(calc): mesh = calc.inputs.kpoints.get_kpoints_mesh()[0] print(mesh) k = KpointsData() k.set_cell_from_structure(calc.inputs.structure) #these take trace of PBC...if set in the inputs.!! for i in range(4,400): k.set_kpoints_mesh_from_density(1/(i*0.25)) print(k.get_kpoints_mesh()[0]) if k.get_kpoints_mesh()[0]==mesh: print('ok, {} is the density'.format(i*0.25)) print(k.get_kpoints_mesh()[0],mesh) return i*0.25 else: #try the same algorithm but using force_parity=True. k.set_kpoints_mesh_from_density(1/(i*0.25),force_parity=True) print(k.get_kpoints_mesh()[0]) if k.get_kpoints_mesh()[0]==mesh: print('ok, {} is the density'.format(i*0.25)) print(k.get_kpoints_mesh()[0],mesh) return i*0.25
[docs]def find_pw_type(calc): type = calc.inputs.parameters.get_dict()['CONTROL']['calculation'] return type
[docs]def find_table_ind(kpoint,band,_array_ndb): kk = _array_ndb.get_array('qp_table') #in the qp table: index_b = -1 index_k = 0 if np.shape(kk)[0] == 4: index_b = -2 index_k = 0 #spin resolved.. b = kk[index_b]==band c = kk[index_k]==kpoint g = (c == True) & (b == True) for i in range(len(g)): if g[i] == True: return(i)
[docs]def update_dict(_dict, whats, hows, sublevel=None, pop_list=[]): if sublevel: if not isinstance(whats, list): whats = [whats] if not isinstance(hows, list): hows = [hows] for what,how in zip(whats,hows): new = _dict.get_dict() new[sublevel][what] = how _dict = Dict(new) if pop_list != []: for i in pop_list: new = _dict.get_dict() new[sublevel].pop(i) _dict = Dict(new) else: if not isinstance(whats, list): whats = [whats] if not isinstance(hows, list): hows = [hows] for what,how in zip(whats,hows): new = _dict.get_dict() new[what] = how _dict = Dict(new) if pop_list != []: for i in pop_list: new = _dict.get_dict() new.pop(i) _dict = Dict(new) return _dict
[docs]def get_caller(calc_pk, depth = 1): calc = load_node(calc_pk) for i in range(depth): calc = calc.caller.caller return calc
[docs]def get_called(calc_pk, depth = 2): calc = load_node(calc_pk) for i in range(depth): calc = calc.called[0] return calc
[docs]def set_parent(inputs, parent): if isinstance(parent, RemoteData): inputs.parent_folder = parent else: inputs.parent_folder = parent.outputs.remote_folder
[docs]def take_down(node = 0, what = 'CalcJobNode'): global calc_node if node == 0: node = load_node(wfl_pk) else: node = load_node(node) if what not in str(node.get_description): take_down(node.called[0]) else: calc_node = node return calc_node
[docs]def take_super(node = 0, what = 'WorkChainNode'): global workchain_node if node == 0: node = load_node(wfl_pk) else: node = load_node(node) if what not in str(node.get_description): take_super(node.caller) else: workchain_node = node return workchain_node
[docs]def take_calc_from_remote(parent_folder,level=0): try: parent_calc = parent_folder.creator #parent_calc = parent_folder.get_incoming().all_nodes()[level] #to load the node from a workchain... except: parent_calc = parent_folder.get_incoming(link_label_filter='remote_folder').one().node return parent_calc
[docs]def take_fermi(calc_node_pk): # calc_node_pk = node_conv_wfl.outputs.last_calculation node = load_node(calc_node_pk) path_folder = node.outputs.retrieved._repository._repo_folder.abspath+'/path/' for i in os.listdir(path_folder): if 'r-aiida.out' in i: file = open(path_folder+i,'r') for line in file: if '[X]Fermi Level' in line: print('The Fermi level is {}'.format(line.split()[3])) ef = float(line.split()[3]) return ef
[docs]def take_filled_states(calc_node_pk): # calc_node_pk = node_conv_wfl.outputs.last_calculation node = load_node(calc_node_pk) path_folder = node.outputs.retrieved._repository._repo_folder.abspath+'/path/' get_line=False #not so good... for i in os.listdir(path_folder): if 'r-aiida.out' in i: file = open(path_folder+i,'r') for line in file: if get_line: print('The VBM {}'.format(line.split()[0])) valence = int(line.split()[0].replace('0001-','')) return valence if '[X]States summary ' in line: get_line=True
[docs]def take_number_kpts(calc_node_pk): # calc_node_pk = node_conv_wfl.outputs.last_calculation node = load_node(calc_node_pk) path_folder = node.outputs.retrieved._repository._repo_folder.abspath+'/path/' for i in os.listdir(path_folder): if 'r-aiida.out' in i: file = open(path_folder+i,'r') for line in file: if 'K-points' in line: print('# of kpts is {}'.format(line.split()[2])) kpts = int(line.split()[2]) return kpts
[docs]def store_List(a_list): the_List = List(a_list) return the_List
[docs]def store_Dict(a_dict): the_Dict = Dict(a_dict) return the_Dict
[docs]def find_pw_info(calc): pw_parent = find_pw_parent(calc, calc_type = ['nscf']) info = pw_parent.outputs.output_parameters.get_dict() return info
[docs]def find_gw_info(inputs): parameters = copy.deepcopy(inputs.parameters.get_dict()) ## bands ## BndsRnXp = parameters['variables'].pop('BndsRnXp',[[0,0],''])[0] GbndRnge = parameters['variables'].pop('GbndRnge',[[0,0],''])[0] X_b = 1 + BndsRnXp[1] - BndsRnXp[0] SE_b = 1 + GbndRnge[1] - GbndRnge[0] if X_b and SE_b: bands = min(X_b,SE_b) elif X_b and not SE_b: bands = X_b elif not X_b and SE_b: bands = SE_b else: bands = 1 ## parallelism ## ## qp ## qp = 0 last_qp = 0 try: for i in parameters['variables']['QPkrange'][0]: qp += (1 + i[1]-i[0])*(1 + i[3]-i[2]) last_qp = max(i[3],last_qp) except: pass ## runlevels ## runlevels = [] for i in parameters['arguments']: runlevels.append(i) return bands, qp, last_qp, runlevels
[docs]def understand_valence_metal_wise(bands, fermi, index, valence): hp_valence = len(np.where((bands[index-1]-fermi)<=1e-2)[0]) if hp_valence < valence - 1: hp_valence = valence return valence #deactivated.
[docs]def build_list_QPkrange(mapping, quantity, nscf_pk, bands, fermi, valence): s = load_node(nscf_pk) if isinstance(quantity,str): if 'gap_' in quantity: if quantity[-1] == '_': pass else: #high-symmetry m,maps = k_path_dealer().check_kpoints_in_qe_grid(s.outputs.output_band.get_kpoints(), s.inputs.structure.get_ase()) #m stands for missing if quantity[-1] in m or quantity[-2] in m: return quantity, 0 if not quantity[-1] in maps.keys() or not quantity[-2] in maps.keys(): return quantity, 0 if mapping['dft_predicted']=='metal': valence = understand_valence_metal_wise(bands, fermi, maps[quantity[-2]],valence) print(valence) conduction = understand_valence_metal_wise(bands, fermi, maps[quantity[-1]],valence) + 1 + 1*(int(mapping['soc'])-int(mapping['magnetic_calculation'])) else: valence = mapping['valence'] return quantity,[[maps[quantity[-2]],maps[quantity[-2]], valence,valence], [maps[quantity[-1]],maps[quantity[-1]], valence + 1 + 1*(int(mapping['soc'])-int(mapping['magnetic_calculation'])),valence + 1 + 1*(int(mapping['soc'])-int(mapping['magnetic_calculation']))]] else: #high-symmetry m,maps = k_path_dealer().check_kpoints_in_qe_grid(s.outputs.output_band.get_kpoints(), s.inputs.structure.get_ase()) if quantity in m : return quantity, 0 if not quantity[-1] in maps.keys(): return quantity, 0 valence = understand_valence_metal_wise(bands, fermi, maps[quantity[-1]],valence) if '_v' in quantity: return quantity,[[maps[quantity[0]],maps[quantity[0]], valence,valence],] elif '_c' in quantity: return quantity,[[maps[quantity[0]],maps[quantity[0]], valence + 1 + 1*(int(mapping['soc'])-int(mapping['magnetic_calculation'])),valence + 1 + 1*(int(mapping['soc'])-int(mapping['magnetic_calculation']))],] return quantity,[[maps[quantity[-1]],maps[quantity[-1]], valence,valence], [maps[quantity[-1]],maps[quantity[-1]], valence + 1 + 1*(int(mapping['soc'])-int(mapping['magnetic_calculation'])),valence + 1 + 1*(int(mapping['soc'])-int(mapping['magnetic_calculation']))],] elif isinstance(quantity,list): if 'gap_' in quantity[0]: m,maps = k_path_dealer().check_kpoints_in_qe_grid(s.outputs.output_band.get_kpoints(), s.inputs.structure.get_ase(),k_list={quantity[0][-2]:np.array(quantity[1][-2]), quantity[0][-1]:np.array(quantity[1][-1])}) if quantity[0] in m : return quantity[0], 0 valence = understand_valence_metal_wise(bands, fermi, maps[quantity[0][-2]],valence) conduction = understand_valence_metal_wise(bands, fermi, maps[quantity[0][-1]],valence) + 1 return quantity[0],[[maps[quantity[0][-2]],maps[quantity[0][-2]], valence,valence], [maps[quantity[0][-1]],maps[quantity[0][-1]], valence + 1 + 1*(int(mapping['soc'])-int(mapping['magnetic_calculation'])),valence + 1 + 1*(int(mapping['soc'])-int(mapping['magnetic_calculation']))],] else: m,maps = k_path_dealer().check_kpoints_in_qe_grid(s.outputs.output_band.get_kpoints(), s.inputs.structure.get_ase(),k_list={quantity[0]:np.array(quantity[1]), quantity[0]:np.array(quantity[1])}) if quantity[0] in m : return quantity[0], 0 valence = understand_valence_metal_wise(bands, fermi, maps[quantity[0]],valence) if '_v' in quantity[0]: return quantity[0],[[maps[quantity[0]],maps[quantity[0]], valence,valence],] elif '_c' in quantity[0]: return quantity[0],[[maps[quantity[0]],maps[quantity[0]], valence + 1 + 1*(int(mapping['soc'])-int(mapping['magnetic_calculation'])),valence + 1 + 1*(int(mapping['soc'])-int(mapping['magnetic_calculation']))],] return quantity[0],[[maps[quantity[0]],maps[quantity[0]], valence,valence], [maps[quantity[0]],maps[quantity[0]], valence + 1*(int(mapping['soc'])-int(mapping['magnetic_calculation'])),valence + 1 + 1*(int(mapping['soc'])-int(mapping['magnetic_calculation']))],] else: return 0, 0
[docs]def gap_mapping_from_nscf(nscf_pk, additional_parsing_List=[]): #print('START') s_res = False nscf = load_node(nscf_pk) bands = nscf.outputs.output_band.get_array('bands') # if magnetic_calculation, i.e. magnetization is provided, it considers only the first spin (up) if len(np.shape(bands))>2: s_res = True bands = bands[0,:,:] occ = nscf.outputs.output_band.get_array('occupations') n_kpoints = nscf.outputs.output_parameters.get_dict()['number_of_k_points'] k_coords = nscf.outputs.output_band.get_kpoints() valence = len(occ[0][occ[0]>0.01]) #band index of the valence. valence = nscf.outputs.output_parameters.get_dict()['number_of_electrons']/2. fermi = nscf.outputs.output_parameters.get_dict()['fermi_energy'] soc = nscf.outputs.output_parameters.get_dict()['spin_orbit_calculation'] try: try: nscf.inputs.pw__structure.get.ase() #print('HERE0') except: nscf.inputs.structure.get.ase() #print('HERE1') cell = structure.get_cell() k = cell.bandpath() high_symmetry = k.special_points #print('HERE2') except: high_symmetry = [] #print('HERE3') if valence%2 != 0: valence = int(valence+0.5) #may be a metal else: valence = int(valence) conduction = valence + 1 if soc and not s_res: valence = valence*2 - 1 conduction = valence + 2 touch_fermi = bands[:,valence-1]-fermi touch_fermi_C = bands[:,valence]-fermi above_fermi = np.where(touch_fermi>0)[0] below_fermi = np.where(touch_fermi<=0)[0] print(len(above_fermi),len(below_fermi)) ind_val = bands[:,valence-1].argmax() ind_cond = bands[:,conduction-1].argmin() L_H = (round((min(bands[:,conduction-1])-max(bands[:,valence-1])),3)) Crossing = len(np.where((bands[:,valence-1]-fermi)>1e-2)[0]) if Crossing > 0: dft_predicted = 'metal' elif L_H<=0.1 and L_H>=-0.2: #and (valence%2 == 0 or (soc and valence%2 == 1)): dft_predicted = 'semimetal' elif L_H>0.1: # and (valence%2 == 0 or (soc and valence%2 == 1)): dft_predicted = 'semiconductor/insulator' else: dft_predicted = 'metal' if ind_val+1 != ind_cond+1: gap_type = 'indirect' else: gap_type = 'direct' if s_res: soc = True mapping = { 'dft_predicted': dft_predicted, 'valence': valence, 'conduction': conduction, 'number_of_kpoints':n_kpoints, 'nscf_gap_eV':round(min(bands[:,conduction-1])-max(bands[:,valence-1]),3), 'homo_k': ind_val+1, 'lumo_k': ind_cond+1, 'gap_type': gap_type, 'gap_': [[ind_val+1,ind_val+1,valence,valence], [ind_cond+1,ind_cond+1,conduction,conduction]], #the qp to be computed 'soc':soc, 'magnetic_calculation':s_res } for i in additional_parsing_List + high_symmetry: if i == 'homo' or i == 'lumo' or i == 'gap_': pass else: #print(i) name, additional = build_list_QPkrange(mapping, i, nscf_pk, bands, fermi,valence) #print(name,additional) if additional == 0: pass else: mapping[name] = additional return mapping
[docs]def check_identical_calculation(YamboWorkflow_inputs, YamboWorkflow_list, what=['BndsRnXp','GbndRnge','NGsBlkXp',], full = True, exclude = ['CPU','ROLEs','QPkrange']): already_done = False parent_nscf = False try: k_mesh_to_calc = YamboWorkflow_inputs.nscf.kpoints.get_kpoints_mesh() params_to_calc = YamboWorkflow_inputs.yres.yambo.parameters.get_dict() except: k_mesh_to_calc = YamboWorkflow_inputs.nscf__kpoints.get_kpoints_mesh() params_to_calc = YamboWorkflow_inputs.yres__yambo__parameters.get_dict() for k in ['kpoint_mesh','k_mesh_density']: try: what.remove(k) except: pass if full: what = copy.deepcopy(list(params_to_calc.keys())) what_2 = copy.deepcopy(what) #print(what) for e in exclude: #print(e) for p in what_2: if e in p: what.remove(p) #print(p) #print(what) for old in YamboWorkflow_list: try: if load_node(old).is_finished_ok: same_k = k_mesh_to_calc == load_node(old).inputs.nscf__kpoints.get_kpoints_mesh() old_params = load_node(old).inputs.yres__yambo__parameters.get_dict() for p in what: if 'CPU' in p or 'ROLEs' in p or 'PAR' in p: continue #print(p,params_to_calc[p],old_params[p]) if params_to_calc[p] == old_params[p] and same_k: already_done = old else: already_done = False break if already_done: break except: already_done = False for old in YamboWorkflow_list: try: if not already_done and not load_node(old).is_finished_ok: print(old) parent_nscf_try = find_pw_parent(load_node(old).called[0], calc_type=['nscf']) same_k = k_mesh_to_calc == load_node(old).inputs.nscf__kpoints.get_kpoints_mesh() try: y = load_node(old).outputs.retrieved._repository._repo_folder.abspath+'/path/' #if 'ns.db1' in os.listdir(y) and same_k: if same_k: parent_nscf = old except: pass if parent_nscf: break if same_k and parent_nscf_try.is_finished_ok: parent_nscf = if parent_nscf: break except: parent_nscf = False return already_done, parent_nscf
[docs]def check_same_yambo(node, params_to_calc, k_mesh_to_calc,what,up_to_p2y=False,full=True,additional=[], bands=None): l = 0 already_done = False try: if node.is_finished_ok: same_k = k_mesh_to_calc == node.inputs.nscf__kpoints.get_kpoints_mesh() old_params = node.inputs.yres__yambo__parameters.get_dict()['variables'] was_p2y = node.inputs.yres__yambo__settings.get_dict().pop('INITIALISE', False) if bands : enough_b = node.inputs.nscf__pw__parameters.get_dict()['SYSTEM']['nbnd'] >= bands else: enough_b = True for p in what: if 'CPU' in p or 'ROLEs' in p or 'PAR_' in p: pass #already_done = #l += 1 elif 'QPkrange' in p: if hasattr(node.inputs,'additional_parsing'): for i in additional: if i in node.inputs.additional_parsing.get_list() and not (up_to_p2y and not node.called[0].called[0].outputs.remote_folder.is_empty) and enough_b: already_done = else: already_done = False break else: if additional==[] and not (up_to_p2y and not node.called[0].called[0].outputs.remote_folder.is_empty) and enough_b: already_done = else: already_done = False break elif params_to_calc[p][0] == old_params[p][0] and same_k and not was_p2y and not (up_to_p2y and not node.called[0].called[0].outputs.remote_folder.is_empty) and enough_b: already_done = else: already_done = False break over = abs(len(params_to_calc)-len(old_params)) '''if already_done and full and (over == l or over == 0) and not (up_to_p2y and not node.called[0].called[0].outputs.remote_folder.is_empty) and enough_b: already_done = print('ok') elif already_done and full and (over != l or over != 0) and not (up_to_p2y and not node.called[0].called[0].outputs.remote_folder.is_empty): already_done = False print( print(len(params_to_calc),len(old_params)) print(l,over)''' if up_to_p2y and same_k and not node.called[0].called[0].outputs.remote_folder.is_empty and enough_b: already_done = return already_done except: already_done = False return already_done
[docs]def check_same_pw(node, k_mesh_to_calc, already_done, bands = None): parent_nscf = False parent_scf = False enough_b = True try: if not already_done: parent_nscf_try = find_pw_parent(node, calc_type=['nscf']) parent_scf_try = find_pw_parent(node, calc_type=['scf']) same_k = k_mesh_to_calc == node.inputs.nscf__kpoints.get_kpoints_mesh() if bands : enough_b = node.inputs.nscf__pw__parameters.get_dict()['SYSTEM']['nbnd'] >= bands if node.is_finished_ok: try: y = node.outputs.retrieved._repository._repo_folder.abspath+'/path/' #if 'ns.db1' in os.listdir(y) and same_k and not node.outputs.remote_folder.is_empty: if same_k and not node.outputs.remote_folder.is_empty: if enough_b: parent_nscf = except: pass if same_k and parent_nscf_try.is_finished_ok and not parent_nscf_try.outputs.remote_folder.is_empty: if enough_b: parent_nscf = if parent_scf_try.is_finished_ok and not parent_scf_try.outputs.remote_folder.is_empty: if enough_b: parent_scf = except: pass return parent_nscf, parent_scf
[docs]def search_in_group(YamboWorkflow_inputs, YamboWorkflow_group, what=['BndsRnXp','GbndRnge','NGsBlkXp'], full = True, exclude = [], up_to_p2y = False, bands=None): already_done = False parent_nscf = False parent_scf = False try: k_mesh_to_calc = YamboWorkflow_inputs.nscf.kpoints.get_kpoints_mesh() params_to_calc = YamboWorkflow_inputs.yres.yambo.parameters.get_dict()['variables'] if hasattr(YamboWorkflow_inputs,'additional_parsing'): additional = YamboWorkflow_inputs.additional_parsing.get_list() else: additional = [] except: k_mesh_to_calc = YamboWorkflow_inputs.nscf__kpoints.get_kpoints_mesh() params_to_calc = YamboWorkflow_inputs.yres__yambo__parameters.get_dict()['variables'] if hasattr(YamboWorkflow_inputs,'additional_parsing'): additional = YamboWorkflow_inputs.additional_parsing.get_list() else: additional = [] for k in ['kpoint_mesh','k_mesh_density']: try: what.remove(k) except: pass if 1: what = copy.deepcopy(list(params_to_calc.keys())) what_2 = copy.deepcopy(what) for e in exclude: for p in what_2: if e in p: what.remove(p) print(what) for old in YamboWorkflow_group.nodes: if old.process_type == 'aiida.workflows:yambo.yambo.yamboconvergence': for i in old.called: already_done = check_same_yambo(i, params_to_calc,k_mesh_to_calc,what,up_to_p2y=up_to_p2y,full=full, bands=bands) if already_done: break elif old.process_type == 'aiida.workflows:yambo.yambo.yambowf': already_done = check_same_yambo(old, params_to_calc,k_mesh_to_calc,what,up_to_p2y=up_to_p2y,full=full,additional = additional, bands=bands) if already_done: break for old in YamboWorkflow_group.nodes: if old.process_type == 'aiida.workflows:yambo.yambo.yamboconvergence': for i in old.called: parent_nscf, parent_scf = check_same_pw(i, k_mesh_to_calc, already_done, bands=bands) if parent_nscf: break elif old.process_type == 'aiida.workflows:yambo.yambo.yambowf': parent_nscf, parent_scf = check_same_pw(old, k_mesh_to_calc, already_done, bands=bands) if parent_nscf: break return already_done, parent_nscf, parent_scf
[docs]def store_quantity(quantity): #to be changed, but in this way data are created by a calcfunction and not by the WFL. return