Source code for aiida_yambo.workflows.utils.extend_QPDB

import xarray
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import netCDF4
from aiida_yambo.utils.common_helpers import *
from ase import units

[docs]def build_ndbQP(db_path,DFT_pk,Nb=[1,1],Nk=1,verbose=False): ''' This just build a QP with KS results, then you can modify the script to change the values as you want. Or also just modify the output ds, which has already the right dimensions. ''' db = xarray.open_dataset(db_path,engine='netcdf4') data = {} for k in db.variables.keys(): data[k] = (db[k].dims, db[k].data) if verbose: print(data[k]) Nb=list(range(Nb[0],Nb[1]+1)) dimensions = {} for d in [Nk,len(Nb)]: dimensions['D_'+str(d).zfill(10)] = range(d) d=[[i]*len(Nb) for i in range(1,Nk+1)] ff=[] for dd in d: ff+=dd qp_table = np.array([Nb*Nk,Nb*Nk,ff]) pw = find_pw_parent(load_node(DFT_pk)) bands = pw.outputs.output_band.get_bands() kpoints = pw.outputs.output_band.get_kpoints().reshape(3,Nk) #kpoints =[:] fermi = pw.outputs.output_parameters.get_dict()['fermi_energy'] print('Fermi=',fermi) SOC = pw.outputs.output_parameters.get_dict()['spin_orbit_calculation'] nelectrons = pw.outputs.output_parameters.get_dict()['number_of_electrons'] if SOC: v = int(nelectrons) - 1 c = v + 2 else: v = int(nelectrons/2) + int(nelectrons%2) c = v + 1 v_cond = np.where((db.QP_table[0] == v) & (abs(db.QP_E[:,0]-db.QP_Eo[:])*units.Ha<5)) c_cond = np.where((db.QP_table[0] == c) & (abs(db.QP_E[:,0]-db.QP_Eo[:])*units.Ha<5)) fit_v = np.polyfit(db.QP_Eo[v_cond[0]],db.QP_E[v_cond[0],0],deg=1) fit_c = np.polyfit(db.QP_Eo[c_cond[0]],db.QP_E[c_cond[0],0],deg=1) QP = np.zeros((Nk*len(Nb),2)) Z = np.zeros((Nk*len(Nb),2)) KS = np.zeros((Nk*len(Nb),)) for i in range(len(qp_table[0])): QP[i,0] = (bands[qp_table[2,i]-1,qp_table[0,i]-1]-fermi)/units.Ha QP[i,1] = 0 KS[i] = (bands[qp_table[2,i]-1,qp_table[0,i]-1]-fermi)/units.Ha Z[i] = [1,0] data['QP_E'] = (('D_'+str(len(QP)).zfill(10),'D_'+str(2).zfill(10)),QP) data['QP_Eo'] = (('D_'+str(len(KS)).zfill(10)), KS) data['QP_Z'] = (('D_'+str(len(Z)).zfill(10),'D_'+str(2).zfill(10)),Z) data['QP_table'] = (('D_'+str(3).zfill(10),'D_'+str(len(QP)).zfill(10)),qp_table) data['QP_kpts'] = (('D_'+str(3).zfill(10),'D_'+str(Nk).zfill(10)),kpoints) de = [] for l in data.keys(): if 'K_range' in l or 'b_range' in l: de.append(l) #data['PARS'] = (('D_'+str(6).zfill(10)), [Nk,len(Nb),len(QP),0,0,0]) data['PARS'] = (('D_'+str(6).zfill(10)), [len(Nb),Nk,len(QP),0,0,0]) data['QP_QP_@_state_1_K_range'] =(('D_'+str(2).zfill(10)),[1,Nk]) data['QP_QP_@_state_1_b_range'] =(('D_'+str(2).zfill(10)),[Nb[0],Nb[1]]) ds = xarray.Dataset( data, #coords=dimensions, ) return ds, fit_v, fit_c, v, c #, db_reordered
[docs]def FD_even(x,mu,e_ref=0,T=1e-6): if T==0: T=1e-4 return 1/(np.exp((abs(x-e_ref)-mu)/T)+1)
[docs]def Apply_FD_scissored_correction(start,corrections,scissor,mu,e_ref=0,T=1e-6,unit=units.Ha): '''corrections should be a zeroes with shape of start, filled only for the corrections that we computed explicitely. provide the scissors in Hartree units...''' mu = mu/unit e_ref = e_ref/unit return FD_even(start,mu,e_ref,T)*(corrections+start)+(1-FD_even(start,mu,e_ref,T))*(start*scissor[0]+scissor[1])
[docs]def update_FD_and_scissor(db_dft,db_gw,conduction,mu,scissors=[[1,0],[1,0]],e_ref=0,T=1e-6,verbose=False,full_bands=True): ''' update with FD*realGW for the region of interest, then scissor(DFT) for the outside region. ds: the created ndb.QP db: the explicit GW corrections that we have. mu: window of energy needed in which we want the correction to be exact. except for the smearing of T>0. ''' dss = db_dft #update the qp where possible, so we introduce the QP that we have in db: for i in range(len(db_gw.QP_table[0,:])): b=int([0,i]) k=int([2,i]) _b24 = np.where((db_dft.QP_table[0].isin([b])) & (db_dft.QP_table[2].isin([k]))) b24 = np.where((db_gw.QP_table[0].isin([b])) & (db_gw.QP_table[2].isin([k])))[_b24] =[b24][_b24] =[b24] for i in range(len(db_dft.QP_table[0,:])): b=int([0,i]) k=int([2,i]) b24 = np.where((db_dft.QP_table[0].isin([b])) & (db_dft.QP_table[2].isin([k]))) corr =[b24,0]-[b24] if b<conduction: corr[0] = Apply_FD_scissored_correction([b24],corr,scissors[0],mu,e_ref,T) else: corr[0] = Apply_FD_scissored_correction([b24],corr,scissors[1],mu,e_ref,T)[b24,0] = corr[0] #align to zero wrt to the maximum of valence... fixes the error in Fermi re-evaluation #in the BSE RD/ndb.QP. for now. v_cond = np.where(dss.QP_table[0] == conduction-1) #dss.QP_E[:,0] = dss.QP_E[:,0] - np.max(ds.QP_E[v_cond[0],0]) return dss
[docs]def FD_and_scissored_db(out_db_path,pw,Nb,Nk,v_max,c_min,fit_v,fit_c,conduction,e_ref=None,mu=None,T=1e-2): db_dft = build_ndbQP(db_path=out_db_path,,Nb=Nb,Nk=Nk) out_db = xarray.open_dataset(out_db_path,engine='netcdf4') #find the min and the max of c and v to have exact GW corrections #in this way we can choose e_ref and mu v_ref = np.where((out_db.QP_table[0].isin([v_max]))) c_ref = np.where((out_db.QP_table[0].isin([c_min]))) v_ref_max = (max([v_ref]*units.Ha)+min([v_ref]*units.Ha))/2 c_ref_min = (max([c_ref]*units.Ha)+min([c_ref]*units.Ha))/2 if not e_ref: e_ref = (c_ref_min+v_ref_max)/2 if not mu: mu = (c_ref_min-v_ref_max)/2 db_final = update_FD_and_scissor(db_dft = db_dft[0], db_gw=out_db, conduction=conduction, mu=mu, scissors=[fit_v,fit_c], e_ref=e_ref, T=T, verbose=False) return db_final