Source code for yambo_workflow_QP

#!/usr/bin/env runaiida
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import os
from aiida.plugins import DataFactory, CalculationFactory
from aiida.orm import List, Dict, Str,UpfData
from aiida.engine import submit
from aiida_yambo.workflows.yambowf import YamboWorkflow
from aiida_quantumespresso.utils.pseudopotential import validate_and_prepare_pseudos_inputs
from ase import Atoms
import argparse

[docs]def get_options(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='YAMBO calculation.') parser.add_argument( '--yambocode', type=str, dest='yambocode_id', required=True, help='The yambo(main code) codename to use') parser.add_argument( '--parent', type=int, dest='parent_pk', required=False, help='The parent to use') parser.add_argument( '--yamboprecode', type=str, dest='yamboprecode_id', required=True, help='The precode to use') parser.add_argument( '--pwcode', type=str, dest='pwcode_id', required=True, help='The pw to use') parser.add_argument( '--pseudo', type=str, dest='pseudo_family', required=True, help='The pseudo_family') parser.add_argument( '--time', type=int, dest='max_wallclock_seconds', required=False, default=24*60*60, help='max wallclock in seconds') parser.add_argument( '--nodes', type=int, dest='num_machines', required=False, default=1, help='number of machines') parser.add_argument( '--mpi', type=int, dest='num_mpiprocs_per_machine', required=False, default=1, help='number of mpi processes per machine') parser.add_argument( '--threads', type=int, dest='num_cores_per_mpiproc', required=False, default=1, help='number of threads per mpi process') parser.add_argument( '--queue_name', type=str, dest='queue_name', required=False, default=None, help='queue(PBS) or partition(SLURM) name') parser.add_argument( '--qos', type=str, dest='qos', required=False, default=None, help='qos name') parser.add_argument( '--account', type=str, dest='account', required=False, default=None, help='account name') parser.add_argument( '--QP', type=int, dest='QP', required=False, default=0, help='do you want to compute a set of QP?') args = parser.parse_args() ###### setting the machine options ###### options = { 'yambocode_id': args.yambocode_id, 'yamboprecode_id': args.yamboprecode_id, 'pwcode_id': args.pwcode_id, 'pseudo_family': args.pseudo_family, 'max_wallclock_seconds': args.max_wallclock_seconds, 'QP':args.QP, 'resources': { "num_machines": args.num_machines, "num_mpiprocs_per_machine": args.num_mpiprocs_per_machine, "num_cores_per_mpiproc": args.num_cores_per_mpiproc, }, 'prepend_text': u"export OMP_NUM_THREADS="+str(args.num_cores_per_mpiproc), } if args.parent_pk: options['parent_pk']=args.parent_pk if args.queue_name: options['queue_name']=args.queue_name if args.qos: options['qos']=args.qos if args.account: options['account']=args.account return options
[docs]def main(options): ###### setting the lattice structure ###### alat = 2.4955987320 # Angstrom the_cell = [[1.000000*alat, 0.000000, 0.000000], [-0.500000*alat, 0.866025*alat, 0.000000], [0.000000, 0.000000, 6.4436359260]] atoms = Atoms('BNNB', [(1.2477994910, 0.7204172280, 0.0000000000), (-0.0000001250, 1.4408346720, 0.0000000000), (1.2477994910, 0.7204172280, 3.2218179630), (-0.0000001250,1.4408346720, 3.2218179630)], cell = [1,1,1]) atoms.set_cell(the_cell, scale_atoms=False) atoms.set_pbc([True,True,True]) StructureData = DataFactory('structure') structure = StructureData(ase=atoms) ###### setting the kpoints mesh ###### KpointsData = DataFactory('array.kpoints') kpoints = KpointsData() kpoints.set_kpoints_mesh([6,6,2]) ###### setting the scf parameters ###### Dict = DataFactory('dict') params_scf = { 'CONTROL': { 'calculation': 'scf', 'verbosity': 'high', 'wf_collect': True }, 'SYSTEM': { 'ecutwfc': 80., 'force_symmorphic': True, 'nbnd': 20 }, 'ELECTRONS': { 'mixing_mode': 'plain', 'mixing_beta': 0.7, 'conv_thr': 1.e-8, 'diago_thr_init': 5.0e-6, 'diago_full_acc': True }, } params_nscf = { 'CONTROL': { 'calculation': 'nscf', 'verbosity': 'high', 'wf_collect': True }, 'SYSTEM': { 'ecutwfc': 80., 'force_symmorphic': True, 'nbnd': 100, }, 'ELECTRONS': { 'mixing_mode': 'plain', 'mixing_beta': 0.7, 'conv_thr': 1.e-8, 'diagonalization': 'david', 'diago_thr_init': 5.0e-6, 'diago_full_acc': True }, } params_gw = { 'arguments': [ 'dipoles', 'HF_and_locXC', 'dipoles', 'gw0', 'ppa',], 'variables': { 'Chimod': 'hartree', 'DysSolver': 'n', 'GTermKind': 'BG', 'NGsBlkXp': [2, 'Ry'], 'BndsRnXp': [[1, 50], ''], 'GbndRnge': [[1, 50], ''], 'QPkrange': [[[1, 1, 8, 9]], ''],}} params_gw = Dict(dict=params_gw) builder = YamboWorkflow.get_builder() ##################scf+nscf part of the builder = structure = structure #builder.scf_parameters = parameter_scf builder.scf.kpoints = kpoints builder.nscf.kpoints = kpoints = \ options['max_wallclock_seconds'] = \ dict = options['resources'] if 'queue_name' in options: = options['queue_name'] if 'qos' in options: = options['qos'] if 'account' in options: = options['account'] = options['prepend_text'] = Dict(dict=params_scf) = Dict(dict=params_nscf) = = load_code(options['pwcode_id']) = load_code(options['pwcode_id']) family = load_group(options['pseudo_family']) = family.get_pseudos(structure=structure) = family.get_pseudos(structure=structure) ##################yambo part of the builder builder.yres.yambo.metadata.options.max_wallclock_seconds = \ options['max_wallclock_seconds'] builder.yres.yambo.metadata.options.resources = \ dict = options['resources'] if 'queue_name' in options: builder.yres.yambo.metadata.options.queue_name = options['queue_name'] if 'qos' in options: builder.yres.yambo.metadata.options.qos = options['qos'] if 'account' in options: builder.yres.yambo.metadata.options.account = options['account'] builder.yres.yambo.parameters = params_gw builder.yres.yambo.precode_parameters = Dict(dict={}) builder.yres.yambo.settings = Dict(dict={'INITIALISE': False, 'COPY_DBS': False, 'T_VERBOSE':True,}) builder.yres.max_iterations = Int(2) builder.additional_parsing = List(list=['gap_','gap_GG','gap_GK','gap_KK','gap_GM']) builder.yres.yambo.preprocessing_code = load_code(options['yamboprecode_id']) builder.yres.yambo.code = load_code(options['yambocode_id']) try: builder.parent_folder = load_node(options['parent_pk']).outputs.remote_folder except: pass ############ QP JUNGLE ################## ''' The idea is to split the QP calculation in several subsets, then merge it in a final database -- with yambopy functionalities. There are a lot of possibilities to run QP calculations, to be provided in the QP_subset_dict input of the YamboWorkflow: (1) provide subset of already QP, already in subsets (i.e. already splitted); QP_subset_dict= { 'subsets':[ [[1,1,8,9],[2,2,8,9]], #first subset [[3,3,8,9],[4,4,8,9]], #second subset ], } (2) provide explicit QP, i.e. a list of single QP to be splitted; QP_subset_dict= { 'explicit':[ [1,1,8,9],[2,2,8,9],[3,3,8,9],[4,4,8,9], #to be splitted ], } (3) provide boundaries for the bands to be computed: [k_i,k_f,b_i,b_f]; QP_subset_dict= { 'boundaries':{ 'k_i':1, #default=1 'k_f':20, #default=NK_ibz 'b_i':8, 'b_f':9, }, } (4) provide a range of (DFT) energies where to consider the bands and the k-points to be computed, useful if we don't know the system; of we want BSE for given energies -- usually, BSE spectra is well converged for 75% of this range. These are generated as explicit QP, then splitted. It is possible to provide also: 'range_spectrum', which find the bands to be included in the BSE calculation, including the other bands outside the range_QP window as scissored -- automatically by yambo in the BSE calc. So the final QP will have rangeQP bands, but the BSE calc will have all the range_spectrum bands. These ranges are windows of 2*range, centered at the Fermi level. If you set the key 'full_bands'=True, all the kpoints are included for each bands. otherwise, only the qp in the window. QP_subset_dict= { 'range_QP':3, #eV , default=nscf_gap_eV*1.2 'range_spectrum':10, #eV } for (2) and (4) there are additional options: (a) 'split_bands': split also in bands, not only kpoints the subset. default is True. (b) 'extend_QP': it allows to extend the qp after the merging, including QP not explicitely computed as FD+scissored corrections (see paper HT M Bonacci et al. 2023). Useful in G0W0 interpolations e.g. within the aiida-yambo-wannier90 plugin. (b.1) 'consider_only': bands to be only considered explcitely, so the other ones are deleted from the explicit subsets; (b.2) 'T_smearing': the fake smearing temperature of the correction. QP_subset_dict.update({ 'split_bands':True, #default 'extend_QP': True, #default is False 'consider_only':[8,9], 'T_smearing':1e-2, #default }) computation options: (a) 'qp_per_subset':20; #how many qp in each splitted subset. (b) 'parallel_runs':4; to be submitted at the same time remotely. then the remote is deleted, as the qp is stored locally, (c) 'resources':para_QP, #see below (d) 'parallelism':res_QP, #see below ''' para_QP = {} para_QP['SE_CPU'] = '2 2 4' para_QP['SE_ROLEs'] = 'q qp b' res_QP = { 'num_machines': 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 16, 'num_cores_per_mpiproc': 1, } QP_subset_dict= { 'range_QP':10, #eV , default=nscf_gap_eV*1.2 'full_bands':True, 'consider_only':[7,8,9,10], 'qp_per_subset': 20, 'parallel_runs':4, } QP_subset_dict.update({ 'resources':res_QP, #default is the same as previous GW 'parallelism': para_QP, #default is the same as previous GW }) if options['QP']: builder.QP_subset_dict= Dict(dict=QP_subset_dict) #set this if you want to compute also QP after the single GW calculation. return builder
if __name__ == "__main__":
[docs] options = get_options()
builder = main(options) running = submit(builder) print("Submitted YamboWorkflow workchain; with pk=< {} >".format(